Angel Lewis
14 min readFeb 4, 2021


Bame it on the Few

Tough Love

Again, I start with a caveat.

Please take this personally because we are way beyond formalities. If you are offended by what follows (or even my typos) you are the problem, for this is written without malice just a passion to wake us the * up.

Today, in the true world within (superseding misimpression), God has in fact revealed the true name of the common person’s almighty providence–it’s Boris Johnson and the amalgamated corporations that he supports. Since the inner is pro-life there must also be an outer that reflects as a shadow.

For others in the outer world of illusions, that divine eminence may be viewed as Joseph Biden, Cyril Ramaphosa, Andrew Holness, Jean Castex. If you had been educated to connect dots rather than divide lines, you may see that at another time you may have found yourself at the ballot box trying to elect Hitler or even Caesar. So what’s the difference? Nothing but perspective and media-steered faux morality, in the absence of God.

But to see through such eyes would take a thirst for truth, a detachment from common beliefs and continued travels beyond space and time to keep these rogues of history from appearing separate — impossible in such a fragmented mind.

Today, if you care to reflect, the media’s flock, associates the word ‘Islam’ with terrorism and with that you are permitted to turn a blind humanitarian eye on injustices in the name of revenge. Like the brutal and public departure of Muammar Gaddafi, the unjust land grab and rape of Libya, sponsored by the Associated Press, was simply accepted because he was labelled a terrorist dictator–really magikal, manipulation of diction.

Modern minds are left trusting their morals while pointing up in space at an illusion they call the future, meanwhile the government swiftly deletes the past. The effect of which is that, when you see a change in dictatorship you call it democracy if it falls into western hands and Idi Amin if further east; never seeing the homegrown foreign dictator as merely a tool. They say Iraq and you think Middle-east, not ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon or Sumeria this rarely enters the dislocated mind.

It’s the type of mind that would call somebody neighbour at better times and anti-vaxxer and whatever term the Press’ think tank deems necessary at times of panic. Remember these are regular people who wish to keep their blood undiluted from chemicals and maybe they simply want to wear their faces.

In truth, you are free to clap for the NHS if you so please but without knowing that it is a private corporation (like Walmart) you create a problem through your ignorance, placing yourself and your neighbours in danger—yet still no attack on you.

With this thoughtless commitment to the dominant printed word, you should have a duty to question the Grantor of the trust (I smell Bill Gates), that’s if you are indeed subject to it; but one thing’s for sure, you are not the beneficiary of the entity. Since your claps echoed throughout London (maybe looking like consent to that which would emerge from their coming AGM), I would guess that you are unwittingly the appointed trustees.

But ignorance sells; if only schools would focus on the social character of ‘the community’ that allowed the gassing and torture of the despised of Germany’s community rather Hitler, then maybe they wouldn’t be so fast to BAME one and other.

If you had known what the media has meant to all dictatorships worldwide, (pre Pontius Pilate) you would be terrified to even turn the first page of the (free) Metro. Maybe you would have even questioned the word ‘free’.

If you could, for a single moment in truth, recognise that the community’s hearts (an atrophied pulse of the divine) has become the object of emotional tides, through fear and uncertainty, keeping people at home, away from the beloved human family, nature, the sun and their own common sense; at times blaming/attacking each other. Accepting this, one may also start to see how personal and individual a challenge this has to be for each person; but it takes much empathy.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the soul (that the machine cannot measure so I guess to you it may not even exist) will eventually extend beyond the Kuiper belt; only alone, without skin and not in a party on a Virgin space shuttle, I’m sorry to reveal that this is merely a carrot.

Think about it

Whether it’s Nazi Germany or ancient Galilee, the set-up is the same. If it weren’t for the short memory that comes with a programmed fixation on separating people, places and events, you would know that you and your fears aren’t new. In fact they are the only tools needed to create and execute the current corporation’s plan of total control. It’s not original at all, the only difference is the magnificent size and maybe that you await the dictator’s approval for the definition of the word ‘dictator’. So I guess it’s a lot worse.

“In my humble opinion, non-cooperation with a negative cause is as much a duty as is supporting a positive one and karmically akin.

Give us some space

As two separate members of the earth community, there’s very little difference between you and I yet there’s so, so much space between. Besides me being the giver (writer) and you the receiver (reader), we are just blood, bone, tissue and corpuscles in a matter. Only, just as you seek truth in the ‘issue’, I/we are the dreaded scribes that opt-out from the populace, in return for a gift— one hand in heaven and another on earth; we are too committed to the love of truth to write what is not.

We have also been called slaves; although this is true, it’s not in the way the mortal mind perceives — we are slaves of the cosmos and its laws, unable to bend to the will of mortals and their prison of an ego. For that reason alone you may call us slaves as an earth title or even angels of the heavens, aliens maybe if you like or far more fitting: prisoners of law.

But who cares, we need to be present because the lie that society decided it was yesterday is being used again to tell today’s story and that’s all it was — a story. These were moments that now contradict every new moment to support yesterday’s fabrication, creating one long, unending mistruth and thus: you remain slaves of yesterday’s lie for today you stand frozen in place like a pillar of salt, preserved without life. This type of fear is what led to the slaughter of millions of Jews, ask a Nazi.

This is no different than the way your fear to support justice killed democracy, the moment and all truth. Now you exist in ignorance as though one lie isn’t the heir of the next, growing in proportion by every word in relation and here you crouch trying to make sense of a lie, on top of a lie, beneath a lie, inside of a lie, below a lie.

Your Weigh

Two politicians stand on stage with an idea of representing their party.

Both are stubbornly committed to their mission beyond reason, thinking it noble a cause, willing to do anything to support it. They rarely realise that their blind patriotism sacrifices all truth in that moment.

That mission has little to do with benefiting the common woman, only as much as to provide her with a crumb of sustenance, just enough for her to live but just little enough not to awake her into full power, God forbid, she may overthrow and replace them with real justice. I have yet to see one opposing party publicly convinced of the other's point, never!

But you, the voters, equally prejudiced, watch like you’re observing two bulls fighting, both with no chance of declining. You would weigh your heart and all of its eternal Karma on the foolish commitment of either performer, supporting their undisclosed policies.

But this relentless bullish force with no reflection, just blind representation, is the true meaning of a beast. It has no pulse, no reason, no balance, just a program set to keep moving beyond the humane: a machine that must complete its mission by any means necessary even if people must die, one such mission that the supporter has no idea of what it is.

And then there’s the truth, laying somewhere between two arguments, leaning at times, like a metre set to only point to reality, ignored by both opposing parties who both sacrifice those precious moments of discovery.

Judging by when I’ve observed this issue in my own self, the reason seemed to be one of the ego and a lack of trust. The thought of changing the mind publicly, within a judging, 3-d, society is unthinkable, it implies instability, yet resisting it suppressing the unique ability to bend towards the unchained truth of the matter and so ‘the community suffers’.

People seem to want security and trust that opinions should never change. They subconsciously call for a machine that they didn’t program granting them a guarantee of only more lies and deception, sacrificing the beauty of truth and the soul’s flexibility in what’s left of the organic world. How can this ever create the harmony that we say we seek?

The Power of Truth

What if there were no opposing parties recognising themselves as opponents but just allies, after all, don’t we all have the same basic needs?

You might argue that each one holds their own idea of right and wrong. But in light of all this pain and deception we have bought, we all seem to be convinced that we are “civilised” and beyond simplicity so we cannot see the benefit of stripping back to basics like simple common sense. And with that, we can simplify our beliefs back to basic truths.

Every living thing simply wants a lasting supply of food, clothing and shelter with a safe environment to live in, allowing each one freedom and restraint from infringing on another’s space.

We could agree but even the basic isn’t basic, for our ever-reaching stretch towards complexity hiding behind words like “intelligent” and “civilised”. In fact, when we say “allowing”, even that today becomes a game of words. For the sake of clarity= no man can give another man freedom if he is truly considered equal, otherwise “equal” is yet another lie.

“Allowing” is the job of the universal benevolence and not the business of men. Yet men wish to govern and stand between the beautiful boundless supply of nature though we allow it — think deeply about this.

The simple fact that we believe that men can elect themselves the right to decide on and affect the ideal population count, another’s place of abode and freedom, says that we have lost our confidence, the truth, the moment the point and, dare I say it, God.

So, as this slimy creature slithers along, feeding on fear and money, holding back sustenance, it finds ways to make it appear as though there are crimes where there are none and none where there is a connection to them.

If we could agree that the goal of food, clothing, shelter and safety was a right that none could stand in the way of, we could then maybe advance towards helping other countries that also wish for these basics.

Maybe they also have a rogue government and we could assist in banishing them together, at which point they may or may, in return, wish to share some of their geographical privileges. But this shouldn’t be a condition but at best a suggestion and not a threat of sanctions or things that makes the whole affair another extortion. To achieve this we must first admit that we have a dictatorship at home.

But instead, we go to other locations to try to discipline when, at home, we are animals towards each other. This hypocrisy is so obvious that its only because of the unbelievable level of comedy and falsehood within what we have come to call truths, that we don’t address this whole lie. We’d embarrass ourselves revealing that we are a stupid people; nevertheless, we are ALL, every one of us, guilty of maintaining and supporting that lie.

Tiers of a Clown

In truth, there is an evident irony in seeing the masses walking the natural earth while passively donning a mask. It’s equally comical and maybe, if one can bend the mind enough to see (a slap of personal reflection) that’s who they have literally become: a cowardly figure behind a mask of deception more than ready to blame their neighbour for what their government has done — pathetic.

What we fast need to realise is that the concept of separation is only of benefit to the weak. If a person, nation, planet or anything is made to feel detached from the rest of its surroundings it can only create a major abuse to that thing, especially as a minority.

It doesn’t see an equal but a foreigner, unworthy of the warmth and respect that they share amongst themselves, this they (governments) not only know but survive off–its the blame game. How many tiers will you suffer before you tear it down instead of one and other?

Who to BAME

It’s interesting (bordering comical) to me how the media tends to create these titles: Black, White, illegal alien, terrorist, Brexit, anti-vaxxers, whatnot and we just jump inside that box and push others into their new box with no understanding of what we are being and doing.

Even the fact that black people just became black overnight and are ready to become BAMEs after being coloured, negro and whatever else they accepted along the course of losing the self.

Me, I would probably accept a title as well but that’s only if I weren’t obsessively aware of the power of words. Besides, I am not that insecure, void of belonging and linear minded but my eternal spirit seems to vaguely remember this as an old script from back in the day.

Less than a week ago, a friend of mine was fuming when he explained how his neighbour, of fifteen years, BAMED him for not staying home.

It’s you BAMEs that are spreading this virus, you’re ignoring the rules, you need to stay in your home”, said he.

Hearing this story grieved me deeply. I never realised how close we were to a second attempt at civil unrest with all the makings of another holocaust.

Strangely, my soul remembered this from another time many centuries ago back in Egypt. It’s the same old trick: drain the substance from the economy, find a scapegoat, run off start elsewhere and (of utmost importance) change your name–repeat.

I wondered if this guys skull was that thick and solid that, rather than succumb to solo-badminton, the last lonely neuron took up bogie impressions due to boredom, and eventually escaped in a napkin.

I exaggerate not, when I think of the emptiness of mind these, soon to be, Nazis suffer in a world rich with information. Today, there is no excuse not to know anything, unless of course your commitment stops at page one of Google, like most.

See how the natural bare-faced person is belittled by the muzzled when they walk into an establishment; they don’t care what the reason or why, they look on with scorn. Deep down there’s envy, maybe they know inside that the person may have managed to transcend the false sense of self (ego), maybe they, unlike the others, questioned who is directing their existence and decided what quality of life they have found worth living–are they sovereign in mind?

But the judging community’s own lack of confidence, that detachment from the essence of self, sees instead a ‘scapegoat’ to express their only safe manner of release: violent unfounded blame, on ‘their own neighbours’. So rather than question the machine, they choose their own selves to attack.

Deus Ex Machina

The object of all machines with a default setting of personal gain (be it called government, state, country or nation), is making money and you (people) are not a priority but merely an asset.

“Government is a business and it’s advertising agency — the news”.

It doesn’t seem so hard to believe when you’ve been a business owner and you’ve run a corporation that supplies the demand. You quickly notice that your job is to increase the demand and provide the supply and where there is none, create one.

Each investment must become lucrative by any means, ever reducing your outgoings and increasing the incoming profits, in which case — the citizens are the outgoings and money is the incoming. But even the business owner will often miss this due to their emotional strings being pulled. Not so with a machine and its incomparable efficiency.

Emotional strings are advertising, flyers, posters telling you what your problem is and how you need to solve it, never letting you know that it worked diligently creating it for you.

Keeping you from thinking straight is essential as the mind is forever occupied with ‘what if’, officially brought to you each day by the news. Reducing the outgoings may be called ‘dumping stock’.

Have you ever considered yourself stock? Maybe you should start to at least see from the eyes of your government, then you may understand vaccines, wars, economies, threats, fears and diseases. Or maybe, like in the sleepers world, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation doesn’t believe they’re overstocked and need to ease their losses, bless you.

This fear creates a more committed customer and a natural demand outside of buying nail polish for your poodle or doggy birthday cakes.

Even though we’ve seen movies like They Live, The Matrix I (and other documentaries that take you through a step-by-step break down of the government advertising space that we live within), we fail to see the prison.

It’s not all dark though, there is maybe just one other major point that would aid you in waking from this walking coma called pandemical city culture that we allow ourselves to live in:

To be honest, I’m pretty tired of seeing the set up, the victim, the culprit and the fake solution, so much so that I now conclude that the dna of most of the planet’s community is not my own. We watch homeless people on the streets and pretend government cannot solve this situation.

This is who we are. I’d love to believe that we are a community worthy of saving by a more advanced community but the job is huge as this is the whole world today. In fact anywhere that they use the words ‘Lockdown’ (a prison term), quarantine, or where they force masks, is merely an agency of a company getting ready to sell vaccines; there, I said it.

In my opinion, it isn’t worth saving since we’ve reached a critical point where we don’t know or care who created the pandemic that we are all facing but just use it to increase control on our own human family in the name of freedom and if any one of us were living in that rare moment that I am trying to share, we would admit it and maybe at that point we will change the vibration of the entire planet but this…

Here’s the simple solution. Stop lying to yourself. Find within a heart and a little courage to simply say “enough”! Don’t do anything until you get answers and most importantly, stop letting the corporations ask the questions, you have to start listening to the one’s they told you were conspiracy theorists–that’s simply a code for angelic guide’s upon the earth.

And if this falls within your box of conspiracy remember, My graffiti is on heaven’s walls and there live fans of my work.


Angel Lewis

